19° Premio Trio di Trieste 2018

12 Il Trio di Trieste The “Trio di Trieste”, in the history of mu- sical performance, is the first ensemble that over the years has maintained the same formation, since its establishment in 1933. At that time, its members were 13 years old. For over sixty years, only one substitution occurred (when in 1962 Amedeo Baldovino took the place of vio- loncellist Libero Lana), the group was conti- nuously performing in all the countries of the world, from Europe and the Middle East to North andSouth America, Africa and Australia. The ensemble has more than 3,000 concerts to its credit. Particularly noteworthy are at least 80 concerts held in Milan (30 of which at the Teatro alla Scala), 60 in Rome and Florence, 50 in Ve- nice, 40 in Vienna, Basel, Munich and Perugia, more than 30 in Turin, Zurich, Graz, London, Buenos Aires, Hannover, Siena and, lastly, the city of Trieste, where the ensemble has performed for the public 180 times. The “Trio di Trieste” has been invited to participate to themost prestigious international festivals, performing the “Tri- ple Concert” of Beethoven, the “Concert of the Albatross” of Ghedini and other important musical compositions. Du- ring its career, the ensemble has played with the accompaniment of renowned orchestras and famous conductors, such as Böhm, van Beinum, Celibidache, Cluytens, Giulini, Gui, Kempe, Kubelik, Rosbaud, Sawallisch, Solti and others. Approximately 80 musical compositions have been performed for the public by the Trio, some of which with astonishing recurrence, such as Schubert’s op. 99 (530 times), Ravel’s Trio (470 times), Beethoven’s “Arciduca” (330 times), and others. Records were made with Deutsche Grammophon Ges., Decca and Nuova Era, which on many occasions won international recognition, such as the prize “Grand Prix du Disque”, for the integral version of the Brahms’ trios. From the fifties until today, many other prizes have been awarded to the ensemble, such as Microfono d’argen- to, Diapason, S. Giusto d’oro, Viotti d’oro, the Abbiati prize of musical criticism, Maschera d’argento, Quadrivio, Mozarteum Argentino, ecc. Dario De Rosa, Renato Zanettovich and Amedeo Baldovino are “Accademici di S.Cecilia” in Rome and have been granted by the President of the Italian Republic the honorific title of Grand Officers of Merit. Since 1995, the Trio ceased the concert performance and strongly increased the teaching activity in Italy, being for a lot of years constantly present at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena, the School of Music in Fiesole and the Chamber Music International School of the “Trio di Trieste” in Duino, Trieste. InMay 1998, due to a serious disease, Amedeo Baldovino passed away and in April 2013 Dario De Rosa – at the age of 93 – passed away too.